


随着树叶开始变绿,我们进入了秋天, 是时候为你的家准备过冬了(是的, 即使是在 圣地亚哥!). A little maintenance and extra care this season will help preserve the integrity of your home and make you say “thanks!“春季大扫除季节来临了. After all, your home is the biggest investment in your life. At 北县地产集团, we’re experts at maintaining our clients’ properties year-round, 所以我们来分享我们的建议, tricks and insights into how best to care for your home this season. 


随着气温下降,我们在室内的时间越来越长, 我们的家变成了冬天的避难所. 但一旦窗户关上,暖气打开, there are important maintenance tasks every homeowner should do to help prepare their home for the yearly switch. Many of these tasks should be performed on an annual or biannual basis, making Fall the perfect time to add to your home maintenance checklist. 



  • 密封门、窗、通风口周围漏气. Some simple weather stripping and caulk should do the trick! 如果你有更大的气流挑战, we’d recommend booking in with a professional in the summer to avoid the pre-winter rush. 密封这些漏洞可以帮助你 省钱 在你今年冬天的取暖费账单上!
  • Bring in the professionals to do a thorough inspection of your heating and furnace systems. This is also the best time of year to change all your furnace filters to ensure your furnace is operating at maximum efficiency. Consider taking advantage of an annual maintenance contract that could save you money and forgo the hassle of scheduling a new service appointment every fall. Many companies offer a reminder service that automatically schedules your furnace cleaning annually!
  • Check your fireplace or woodstove for blockages and potential fire hazards. Check up inside the flue to ensure the damper is working properly and there are no blockages like nests or debris. 用于有杂酚油积聚的壁炉, we recommend bringing in a professional to ensure it is properly cleaned. 这是一个潜在的火灾隐患!
  • Use the changing leaves as your annual reminder to change the batteries and test the function of all smoke and carbon monoxide detectors in your home.
  • 清洁加湿器. As the weather cools down, many of us will be using humidifiers to combat the dry winter air. However, if the tank is dirty you can end up with harmful mould and other airborne bacteria. This is the perfect time to clean the tank and ensure you are breathing in clean steam all winter long. 


准备好迎接严冬吧 外部家务 维护任务. We recommend tackling these checklist items early in the fall to take advantage of better weather conditions and to identify problems before they are exacerbated by the cold.

Lawn care is crucial for your 圣地亚哥 home Fall maintenance


  • 把窗户周围的裂缝封上, 门, and trim/siding with caulk to protect against air and moisture
  • After all the leaves have fallen, be sure to clean your gutters to prevent any messy build-up. This is also the perfect time to replace any broken or sagging gutters or downspouts. 
  • 检查屋顶是否有损坏或缺陷. 更换可能丢失或磨损的瓦片, 一定要检查管道周围的闪光, 烟囱, 和天窗. 
  • Remove temporary air conditioning units or cover permanent air conditioning apparatuses with insulated weather wrap
  • Clean and store your lawnmower, since you probably won’t be needing it for a few months. 别忘了燃料! Either drain your tank or add a fuel stabilizer before putting away to minimize the risk of storage. 
  • Remove garden hoses from outdoor faucets to protect your hose and pipes. Be sure to turn off shutoff valves that supply exterior faucets and ensure your hose and lines are properly drained to avoid cracking. 
  • 检查你的室外混凝土, 比如人行道, 车道, 以及填补裂缝和磨损区域的门廊. 天气的变化往往会使这些裂缝变得更糟!
  • 检查门廊和甲板是否有修理. Store any outdoor furniture or grilling equipment in a covered, dry space such as a shed or garage. Be sure to wrap these items in a protective blanket or cover to protect against little critters!
  • Clean and organize your garage so you can park your car in门 during the cold winter months. 
  • Be sure to clean up the leaves in your yard and prune trees so moisture from the branches doesn’t drip onto your house. 
  • Prune all shrubbery to encourage healthy growth in the spring. 
  • Prune and move all perennials and spring-flowering plant bulbs. 清除任何死亡或垂死的一年生植物. 如果你有 菜园, be sure to remove all vegetation and give the soil a good turnover.
  • Add a fresh layer of mulch to your flower beds or gardens. This will help to protect the soil during the cold winter months, 这样你在春天就有了一个健康的苗床. 
  • Aerate your lawn and address any patchy areas or dead patches. The fall is a great time to fertilize your lawn but make sure it is complete well before the cold sets in. 

Doing preventative maintenance on your 圣地亚哥 home this fall will help in the coming winter months


虽然这看起来像是一份冗长的待办事项清单, these regular repairs and maintenance will go a long way in maintaining the overall integrity of your home. We recommend setting scheduled reminders for annual or monthly maintenance to ensure you are getting your home in the best shape possible. 无法维护您的房屋或出租财产? Give the team at 北县地产集团 a call to discuss our 圣地亚哥物业十大赌博信誉网站、度假租赁及租赁十大赌博信誉网站服务. 


